Monday, March 15, 2010

Don't do it kids...ROCK SOBER!!!

There's this scene in the great movie "Jesus' Son", (which, if you haven't seen, you should go out and rent) based on the equally great book by Denis Johnson, where F*** Head (Billy Crudup) the main character, a seemingly doomed alcoholic drug addict is in treatment and he goes to this A.A. dance with Mira (Holly Hunter), a one legged heroin addict in recovery. Anyhow, at the back of the dance hall, which is in like a school gymnasium or somewhere there's this hand painted sign, and it simply reads Rock Sober.

Being a recovering alcoholic addict myself, this touched me as being incredibly funny and also loaded with a sense of sadness and innocence for things past, like teenage school disco's say, and the scene in the movie has that sort of feel, everyone a bit nervous, on edge like young high school kids at their first dance.

That was the inspiration for this T-Shirt Design.The design can be taken in the same way as  the famous Betty Ford Clinic T-Shirt design "Rehab is for Quitters". Deadly serious as in, rehab is for those who want to quit, or with a grand sweeping sense of irony, mirth and good humour at one's own follies, failings and f**k ups.

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