Friday, March 12, 2010

Trichophagia and Trichotillomania

That's eating as in eating your own hair and pulling, as in pulling out your own hair. We humans are a strange lot, and I am fascinated by this most unusual eating/obsessive compulsive disorder. I posted this after reading a story of an 18yr. old girl who had a 10 pound hair ball!! removed from her stomach. Now, to put this in context, my son was 8 pounds when he was born and he was a big boy, so that's a lot of hair! I myself have gone through periods of pulling my own hair out, usually when very stressed and when my hair was very long, but never progressed to eating the hair. I was going to put a picture up with this post of the 10 pound hair ball, but decided against it. You can check that out for yourself, not while eating hair or anything else for that matter. Might ruin your appetite.


  1. I am a daughter (52) of a mother(73) who pulled most of her life. She's been pulling for 50 some odd years. She's clean from pulling for about 2 years now. That's too long to suffer. My life was deeply affected by her self destructive behavior. I wrote, produced and acted in a short film called Pass The Baton. The twist is my mother came out of the "Trich-Closet" and played my mother in this short film and the director is a psychotherapist. The goal is to help others come out of the closet and get this problem viewed seriously and encourage all who suffer to get help and help each other. It is now on the home page of the national organization called Trichotillomania Learning Center. I would love for you to view this at your convenience and share your thoughts with me. Please go to , scroll down and click on Pass The Baton-on line. I sincerely wish you peace of mind.

    my email is

  2. Thanks for your reply. I only occasionally pull my hair out, especially when very anxious or stressed. It's much more common than I first thought, and sounds like there is help out there. I'll check out the website and good luck with your film. Anthony.

  3. I am 39 and have been pulling since the age of 7. I have been clean and open with my trich and been seeking for other trich suffers but no one will own up. My dream is to at least meet another sufferer here in NZ so we can hopefully meet in person become friends and support eachother hopefully this will encourage other trich sufferers to come out into the open. I will view the film and thanks.
