This from 1970 I think, The Marty Feldman something or other. If this isn't on of the most disturbing pieces of television, then I don't know what it is. Brilliantly insane, Roger Ruskin Spears inventions, Viv Stanshall's eye's and who the hell is that little fat guy on the guitar, and more to the point where did Viv find him? Good God the seventies were a strange time...
This hurt my head in at least 40 different ways. I can't believe I had to wait to the end though to see a mannequin leg theremin. Thank you thank you thank you
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed. I just love this footage, so subversive, so ridiculously funny. Vivian is a great hero off mine. This was his band THe MiGHTy Grunt, the one formed for a short while after the Bonzos called it a day...A